Monday, April 11, 2011

Behavior on Tour

·Here are some of the things we went over at our last meeting with regard to behavior on the trip:
o   On the bus
§  While the tour director or guide is speaking on the bus, out of respect, no headphones or talking.
o   At the hotel
§  Students may not leave the hotel without parental supervision and must inform group leaders of all plans. Student bed checks will be conducted regularly.
§  Please be at breakfast each morning.
o   Alcohol
§  A parent who is traveling with his/her student can decide whether or not the student may consume alcohol and it may only be done in the presence of that parent
§  All other students may NOT consume alcohol at any time during the tour
§  No hard alcohol permitted under any circumstances
o   Free time
§  Free time during day: groups of 4 are required (include at least one guy in each group)
§  Free time at night:  MUST be with an adult traveler
o   One-way fare
§  Back to U.S. for rule violators:  $1,855 to $2,200
§  We don’t want to send anyone home mid-tour, however we will not hesitate to do so if a student violates the rules.
o   Any issues with the other school’s students
§  Talk to Hemaidan or Fong first and we’ll talk with the other school’s leader
o   Don’t be the “ugly American”
§  No complaining.  Be a traveler, not a tourist.  Things won’t be like they are in U.S. You are in THEIR country. Don’t just talk louder and slower.

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