Thursday, January 20, 2011

Our Tour Director: CONFIRMED!

Bath, England
We just received an email from Chris Mulhern who was the tour director (the EF guide who travels with us the entire trip) on last year's trip led by Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Herrick.  We requested him for this year's trip and we just got confirmation from him that he will indeed be our tour director this year!  Chris is a Brit (currently residing in Bath) who is soft-spoken, even-tempered, and has a lot of local knowledge.  It'll be a pleasure to work with him again and we'll soon be hearing his gentle wake-up call of "Wakey-wakey" over the bus loud-speakers. 

Here are the contents of his email to us below:

A belated Happy New Year to you too.

I've just been confirmed as your TD which I'm delighted about. I had originally been assigned to another tour but managed to get it switched....

Hope you and your family are all well.

Look forward to seeing you before too long!

All the best, now


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