Monday, January 31, 2011

Question Poll Issues

Sorry, something wigged out on the question poll and some of the votes got wiped out, so we erased the poll.  We'll get the kinks out and get another question poll out soon!

Traveling Light: Expert Advice from REI

REI is known for its outdoor equipment but it also has some great travel gear.  One of their bags, the REI Wheely Beast Rolling Duffel was named as one of the best pieces of luggage by Outside Magazine.  They also offer some great advice for travelers.  In their stores one can find packing lists that are set out for free and to help travelers ready themselves for their trips.

On their website, they have an article about traveling light which is definitely the way you'll want to go for our trip to Europe in April. It also has a great Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section.  Check out the article here.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Best Movies to Watch Before Going to Europe--EF Tours

On the EF Tours blog, they posted an entry about the best movies to watch before going to Europe.  Check out the entry here.  One of the movies mentioned is Chariots of Fire, a portion of which we've posted above.  What movies that include Europe would you recommend?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Olympics in London 2012

The 1908 British Cycling Pursuit team, gold medal winners.
We're going to be in London at a pretty cool time.  The royal wedding will be happening just a few days after we leave the city for Paris, and the 2012 Olympic preparation will be nearing completion.  It will be interesting to see what the city is like with the buzz of the imminent wedding--we're guessing our hotel will be full of tourists--as well as how the cityscape looks with the new Olympic arenas in place.

Friday, January 21, 2011

London, 2010

Here's a video we put together from pictures of last year's trip.  What a city!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Our Tour Director: CONFIRMED!

Bath, England
We just received an email from Chris Mulhern who was the tour director (the EF guide who travels with us the entire trip) on last year's trip led by Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Herrick.  We requested him for this year's trip and we just got confirmation from him that he will indeed be our tour director this year!  Chris is a Brit (currently residing in Bath) who is soft-spoken, even-tempered, and has a lot of local knowledge.  It'll be a pleasure to work with him again and we'll soon be hearing his gentle wake-up call of "Wakey-wakey" over the bus loud-speakers. 

Here are the contents of his email to us below:

A belated Happy New Year to you too.

I've just been confirmed as your TD which I'm delighted about. I had originally been assigned to another tour but managed to get it switched....

Hope you and your family are all well.

Look forward to seeing you before too long!

All the best, now


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The London Underground

Last year we had a wild time on the London Underground, also known as The Tube.  Getting on at rush hour is an experience you won't soon forget.  Check out this article at the EF Tours blog about traveling through London on The Tube.  Mind the gap, as they say!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

EF Tours London Video

The first stop on our tour is going to be London, England.  Check out the video we showed at our first travelers' meeting last week!

Taking Pictures on our Europe Tour

Photo of Trevi Fountain in Rome
EF Tours has a blog that they update each week.  This week they have a feature on taking pictures while on tour.  Check out the blog entry here and start getting your cameras ready!

Thursday, January 6, 2011